What Does “Ekklesia” Mean?
When we read the word church in the Bible, we’re reading an English translation of the Greek word ekklesia – from the preposition ek, meaning out, and the verb kaleo meaning called. Ekklesia means God’s called-out people, the church.
Ekklesia is a non-denominational, independent Christian Church. We are not governed by any outside convention, church, or group of churches, though we do seek to work together with other churches and Christians to build up the Lord’s kingdom, the worldwide body of saved people called after his name. We provide events and ministries that will reach people in our community who don’t know Jesus. We heavily invest time and resources into ongoing discipleship beyond a conversion moment so that people adopt a deeper spiritual commitment that brings them to maturity in Christ. We continually empower people to take the gospel out, in obedience to Christ’s commission, by training them to reproduce disciples, and by pouring into the next generation.
Make Christ and his church famous
in South Carolina and beyond.

Love people like Jesus.
Lead people to Jesus.
Launch people for Jesus.

Our Core Values
We give with generosity

We are sacrificial with our money, our time, and our talent.
We unite
in love

We function as a family with love for God and one another.
We expand in influence

We make Christ and his church famous by growing his kingdom.
We disciple in truth

We uphold Biblical truths as we teach others to teach others.
we dare to believe

We make audacious, faith-filled moves, knowing God is able.
Ekklesia is a Bible-Based Church. Everything we believe comes directly from the Bible.

Our Impact
We are a Christ-centered family of believers working every day to impact our city, state, nation, and world. Check out the video to learn more about the difference we’ve made and what’s yet to come!
Our Team
Ekklesia Christian Church is a non-denominational community founded in 2014 with the mission of lifting Christ up while making audacious faith-filled steps. We aim to accomplish this by telling those who don’t know Jesus about Him, encouraging those who are followers of Jesus, and ministering to those in need.

Our History
From our beginnings as a mobile campus to moving into a worship auditorium and family ministries that reach thousands of members weekly, God has been with Ekklesia through every step. Learn more about our audacious faith and how our current has grown into what it is today.