We’re so excited you’re planning to visit Ekklesia and we’re already preparing for your visit!
Arrival Time
To ensure a smooth experience, arrive about 15 minutes before the service. This allows time to park, enter the building, grab a complimentary coffee, and find a seat. If you’re checking children into the Children’s Ministry, allow a few extra minutes.
Navigating the Parking Lot
When you arrive, our parking team will greet and assist you. First-time visitors have designated parking near the main entrance. If you have children (birth to 5th grade) for our kids’ ministry, use the family entrance for check-in assistance. Otherwise, use the worship center doors for direct access to the lobby, cafe, and auditorium.
Entering the Building
As you enter through the front doors, our welcome team in red shirts will greet you. Stop by the connect desk where volunteers in yellow shirts can answer your questions and give you a free gift for stopping by.
Want to Learn More?
We have several resources to help you get better acquainted with our community. By clicking the buttons below, you can find detailed information about the times and locations of our services, including our Thursday and Sunday gatherings, as well as events happening throughout the week. To understand what drives us, visit our About Ekklesia page, where you can learn about our vision, mission, core values, beliefs, and the impact we aim to make in the world. If you’re curious about our journey, Our Story page provides a comprehensive look at the significant milestones our church has achieved, detailing our growth and evolution from the very beginning to today.
Planning on Checking-In
a Child or Teen?
Want to learn more about our weekly opportunities for kids, students, and individuals with special needs? Our dedicated pages provide detailed information about each program. Discover the specific check-in locations, the types of activities and lessons offered, and other important details. Whether you’re looking for engaging programs for your children, enriching experiences for students, or supportive environments for special needs individuals, these pages will guide you through all the specifics to help you get the most out of our offerings.
Ready to Figure Out Your Next Steps?
Connect with Ekklesia